Houston-Galveston Area Council Transportation Systems Management & Operations Clearinghouse


This section of the TSMO Program Clearinghouse Website provides a high-level overview of the primary regional TSMO strategy, ITS. The section documents ITS deployment in the Houston-Galveston region, documents the need for ITS in the area, presents some of the types of ITS deployments that can help us address our transportation and air quality issues, and summarizes the concept of a Houston-Galveston Area RITSA.

The Houston-Galveston region has a nearly 30 year history using ITS to mitigate congestion and provide traveler information. The TxDOT and many counties and cities have implemented various ITS systems for improved traffic and incident management. The METRO has used ITS to provide more efficient transit operation. Four agencies in the region (TxDOT, METRO, Harris County, and City of Houston) have partnered to operate Houston TranStar, the regional transportation and emergency management center that functions as the everyday hub of incident management and traveler information, and the focus of emergency management during significant regional events.

The deployment of ITS technology has different requirements when compared to traditional traffic engineering or roadway design projects. The backbone communications infrastructure, the remote operation of field devices, the need for information collection and sharing opportunities, necessitate a systems engineering approach to ITS planning. The RITSA is a good tool to organize information and plan for the most efficient use of resources in the deployment of ITS technologies. It will be used:

  • By operating agencies to identify and plan for deployment and integration opportunities in the region.
  • By planning entities to incorporate and prioritize integration opportunities into the transportation planning process.
  • By first responder agencies, emergency management organizations and other entities that use the transportation system in the region to better understand what transportation and incident data is available, and what they have the opportunity to share.

ITS projects (and transportation or security projects with ITS elements) which are Federal funds eligible, both highway and transit-related, are required to be consistent with the Regional ITS Architecture. These projects must also comply with the systems engineering requirements and applicable Federal standards adopted for the deployment of ITS. This document discusses the methods used to achieve compliance in the Houston-Galveston region.